Monday, January 24, 2011

Interview With Linda Fisher, Publisher of Mozark Press

 Posted on Donna's Book Pub - Donna Volkenannt

Today I have a special guest at Donna's Book Pub. Please welcome Linda Fisher, award-winning writer and editor, and publisher of Mozark Press. I've known Linda for several years through the Missouri Writers' Guild, and I was fortunate enough to have a short story of mine included in A Shaker of Margaritas: Hot Flash Mommas, a recent anthology from Mozark Press.
I've co-edited a few anthologies, but I've always been curious about how the publishing end works and Linda was kind enough to answer interview questions about her press. I thought my blog readers would enjoy hearing first-hand from Linda about her publishing company.

DV: First, Linda, thank you for answering my interview questions. Besides being an editor and a publisher, you are an award-winning writer. Please tell us about some of your writing accomplishments.
To read the interview visit Donna's Book Pub at

Donna Volkenannt is the author of "Criminal Minds" one of twenty-five captivating stories in A Shaker of Margaritas: Hot Flash Mommas.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stories in My Head--Now to Get Them Written

My best stories come to me when I'm relaxed and have time to think. I'm working on a novel (can you believe it!) and it seems that during that short period of time when I put down the book I'm reading and before I go to sleep, my mind turns to my characters. I work on plot, scenes, and dialog.

Another time stories pop into my head is in the shower. Do you think it could be that when I'm washing my hair, I'm massaging my brain? Well, maybe that's a bit far fetched, but it is a great time for me to think.

I hope everyone is thinking about a great Cougar story! I know we writers like to wait until the last minute, but I have received some excellent stories and know more will be popping up in my in-box well before the deadline.

Visit for complete submissions guidelines for the upcoming anthology A Shaker of Margaritas: Cougars on the Prowl!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cougars on the Prowl

Call for submissions!!! January 1 - March 1, 2011

Older women hooking up with younger men intrigue us. What is their story? Does age really matter? Is she looking for a fountain of youth and is he just arm candy? Could he be out to take advantage of her? Maybe he’s after her fortune. Or did she get lucky and find the love of her life?

Submissions guidelines are on the website at and on the Cougars on the Prowl blog page.