Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cougars on the Prowl Update

Last night I had a problem with my computer and lost my entire Shaker of Margarita directory including the Cougars on the Prowl stories and files. My backup is a month old so I'm not sure how much work it will take to bring it back to speed. I had planned to send out the agreements and suggested changes this week, but I'm going to have to delay it.

I don't antcipate that this will slow down the schedule for Cougars on the Prowl and expect it to be available this fall. For those of you who had already finished your updates--I should have them in my email files. I've already restored some of them.

Have a great day and remember to back up those computer files often! I had intended to back up all the files before I went to Washington DC on the 14th, but got busy and didn't get it done. It makes me sick to think how much time I would have saved if I had only completed that task.


  1. I'm really bad about not doing backups...thanks for the reminder!

  2. Oh, how awful! I feel terrible for you! Good luck getting it all back!

  3. Hi Linda,
    Wow! That's scary.
    I plan to get my revised ms to you next week.
    Hope you had a good time in DC.

  4. Well, I got everything back on last night, but I'm now a month behind. I had lost more files than I thought. The problem was on my thumb drive. I was trying to download a picture and my main directory got moved into another folder. When I tried to move it back, it bombed out and I lost the files that were in the process of moving. It was just a freaky thing!

  5. So sad to hear that. And then I realized I'd better back up my wip. Thanks for the reminder!


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